Why do we procrastinate or aim for unachievable perfection, and how to fix it?

Are these scenarios common to us or those around us? We want to create an app that millions will download and use everyday. We want to write a blog post that will be cross-linked from all popular sites and social media accounts. We spend so much time over-planning that we postpone starting the actual work. Once we actually sit down and work, we are shocked by the stark reality and keep stumbling upon blocks after blocks....

June 19, 2022 · 4 min · 799 words · Tiffena Kou

Improve your reading ROI by building your own knowledge tracking system - Part 3 : Metrics

This is Part 3 of the “Improve knowledge conversion with book tracking” series. In this series, I will explain why we should build a tracking system to assist in converting what we read into actionable knowledge. In Part 1 and Part 2, I’ve explained the why and how of the book tracking system. Now let’s dive into implementing the metrics to track our investment. How many books am I reading now?...

June 10, 2022 · 8 min · 1625 words · Tiffena Kou

Improve your reading ROI by building your own knowledge tracking system - Part 2 : Build the app

This is Part 2 of the “Improve knowledge conversion with book tracking” series. In this series, I will explain why we should build a tracking system to help converting what we read into actionable knowledge. In Part 1 I discussed why we need to take an investment view to scrutinize the output of what we read. In this post, I’m going to show you how I build the book tracking system using Google Sheets, Apps Script and AppSheet....

June 1, 2022 · 16 min · 3224 words · Tiffena Kou

Improve your reading ROI by building your own knowledge tracking system - Part 1 : Learn better

Why we can’t recall what we read This is Part 1 of the “Improve knowledge conversion with book tracking” series. In this series, I will explain why we should build a tracking system to help converting what we read into actionable knowledge. In Part 2 and Part 3 I will explain the technical details of building one. Have you spent a lot of free time reading books, only finding out later that you can’t recall anything?...

May 23, 2022 · 7 min · 1370 words · Tiffena Kou

Setup your own blog in under 1 hour with Hugo and Firebase, all for free!

Current Problem I have been using various free hosting providers such as x10hosting with self-hosted Wordpress blog in the last few years. I encountered various problems such as, poor site performance if you are using free hosting plans. creating a self-hosted WordPress site needs to be configured with many sets of credentials including the hosting provider, cPanel, the WordPress admin portal itself and the mysql database for WordPress. All these loops expose security vulnerabilities one way or the other....

May 15, 2022 · 8 min · 1532 words · Tiffena Kou